Alberto Mingardi
Alberto Mingardi is general director of the Italian free-market think tank, Istituto Bruno Leoni. He is also associate professor in history of political thought at IULM University in Milan and a presidential scholar in political theory at Chapman University. He has a PhD in “Comparative Analysis of Democracies” from the University of Pavia. He is also an adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. Mingardi is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He has published monographs on Friedrich A. von Hayek (2020), Herbert Spencer (2011), and Thomas Hodgskin (2016 and 2020). He has translated and edited critical editions of Antonio Rosmini, Thomas Hodgskin, Herbert Spencer, Vilfredo Pareto, and Elie Kedourie. With Gilberto Corbellini, he recently wrote La società chiusa: La libertà dei moderni dopo la pandemia (2021). Mingardi is also the co-author with Deirdre N. McCloskey of The Myth of the Entrepreneurial State (2020). With Luigi Marco Bassani, Mingardi is co-author of Dalla polis allo Stato: Introduzione alla storia delle dottrine politiche (2015–2017), a textbook on the history of political doctrines. It is now in its second edition. He writes regularly for the press, currently for Corriere della Sera. He blogs at EconLog. Since 2020, Mingardi has been secretary of the Mont Pelerin Society.